Unique Ways to Display Your Collections at Home

Displayed artistically, collections can make a powerful style statement in your home. From taxidermy to vintage vases, group items by color or size for maximum visual impact as suggested by Seattle Staged to Sell & Design owner Shirin Sarikhani.

Displaying collections can be an arduous task, particularly if they threaten to create clutter or go unseen. Here are a few effective strategies for showcasing your treasured knick-knacks:

2. Look for Little-Used Spaces

Displaying collections can add character and depth to rooms, yet balancing so many objects may prove challenging – particularly if they are small or unconventionally-shaped items.

If you’re having difficulty with organizing, look to less-than-used areas of the home for solutions. String pocket shelves or shelving running up the full height of an alcove are great ways to display items like hats, sewing accessories or vintage sports equipment.

Sarikhani recommends floating shelves and shadow boxes as suitable ways to display wall-mounted collections, while for more idiosyncratic collections like Marvel and Pokemon memorabilia she advises finding an informal setting such as an office, rec room or basement.

3. Create a Gallery Wall

One of the best ways to showcase a collection is through creating a gallery wall. It doesn’t need to be costly either – many thrift stores sell affordable frames. Plus, adding personal pieces such as children’s drawings, postcards and playbills adds uniqueness and personality.

Whenever creating a wall layout, it’s essential to leave at least 2 inches between frames in order to avoid creating an unruly and disorganized appearance. Painter’s tape can help mark how far apart each frame should be before nailing them into position – saving both time and accuracy! In addition, start with larger pieces first then gradually incorporate smaller ones to form a symmetrical design; this will help guide how your arrangement progresses.

4. Install Floating Shelves

Mounted shelves can be an effective way to display collections that share similar characteristics in terms of shape or color, such as weather vanes. When mounted together on a wall they create more impact while remaining less cluttered than stacking each piece individually.

Free-standing glass cabinets provide another suitable option, perfect for protecting valuable trophies and sports memorabilia that require special care or are of significant monetary value. Not only is dusting easy with these units, they can also eliminate the chance that family members unwittingly knock something over.

If your collection includes frameable items, consider creating a gallery wall in either a hallway or along a stairway. Just be sure to limit how many frames appear on each wall so as to not make the entire area too crowded.

5. Emphasize Unity

Unity or cohesion is an essential principle in art and design, and this principle can also be used when displaying collections at home. Consider using a theme to group your items together for an eye-catching arrangement like Seattle Staged to Sell & Design owner Shirin Sarikhani does when she displays Persian poetry alongside her father’s calligraphy and writing work for an eye-catching display arrangement.

Displaying your collections in an eye-catching display will highlight your individuality while creating a less cluttered appearance. Take stock of how much space is available and be mindful of your collections becoming too out-of-control – rotating items regularly gives a chance to revisit forgotten gems while making way for new treasures!

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